Sunday, January 19, 2025

World Economic Forum Report and the Changing Job Market 2025

The market is changing and adjusting. Keeping on top of some of the changes helps us prepare companies and encourage the learning of skills in advance. Government administrators should also be aware of longer-term trends that come from market shifts. To truly understand the changes in our market you must read widely and investigate some of the market shifts as noted in reports such as this one but also from economic underpinnings that lead to change (i.e. infrastructure, start-ups, and jobs.)

A Few Highlights:

-Top jobs in the report are "Delivery drivers, software developers, building construction workers and shop salespersons"

-39% of job skills will change in the market by 2030.

-Technology will be a big part of change. 

-Creativity, agility, flexibility, curiosity and lifelong learning will become more important (This is why we need online education and that ability to access quality schools. Self-motivated people will use these avenues for growth. There is resistance to online education but it’s important to give access. Metrics and performance are higher than some comparable traditional programs and it fits within long term trends of market need and financial budgets. As with all things there is a balance. These are some of the human capital soft skill needs I have been discussing.)

Future of Jobs Report 2025: The jobs of the future – and the skills you need to get them

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