Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Third Stage-Reconciliation of Hate (Reconciliation Thought Experiment)

We are exploring how hate and social group aggression mixed with corruption and extremism has impacted justice and outcomes. This is a hypothetical thought experiment to understand a model of when hate based behaviors become normalized and different laws and rules apply to different people become the unofficial law of the land.  It helps us shed light on what happens when people are targeted and there are no protections for victims or desire to live by a higher principle. It furthers our knowledge when certain central values are not present in some decisions and the "what if's" of that lack of commitment.

 In the example so far, we have two stages. Stage 1. Default in justice (occurred because of an embedded gang of officials and influence of a cultic social group led by someone who had clear advantage to engage in manipulative behaviors.) Stage 2. Dehumanization where it is clear there are different laws for different people. The crimes were well known while they were being committed and protections were intentionally removed (They were coached on how to engage in such behaviors. Others at different times and places have complained about immunities of some clan members). 

 Stage 3 very well might be Reconciliation. This type of reconciliation is created when social hierarchy is enforced both illegally and legally through corruption, ideology, and intentional misapplication of law. In this stage people come to understand what the social hierarchy looks like and how race, religion and politics create such structures (The very purpose of our nation should be against it.). 

 When clearly there is no one to stand up for the law or for a higher moral order you become sadly conscious of what is and is not true (Remember also that there were other victims out there and the out-group members reported the crimes, and they were retaliated against. Their negligence led to more victims. Nothing works in isolation in an dynamic environment.) Groups can be socialized to accept a lower status if the environment is designed to enforce unwritten rules (The Constitution if applied would find such behaviors illegal.)

We are still left trying to figure out why such hate can occur and be protected. This is where we get back to the dark influence of the clan on local decision making and legal structures. No number of complaints, facts, wake of victims, or violation of social contracts would make much of a difference to those who decided to protect crimes blatantly. 

We learn that there are three things that can help. In the back of your mind mull over that institutional trust in some arenas and solutions have not been brought forward. Maybe they lack perspective and that comes from having easy lives and many things handed to you. It is difficult to see the world that most of us live in.  

 1.) Backstops against hate, extremism, corruption and the poor decisions that come from that. 

2.) Ensure we are hiring people who are going to do more than give lip service to our Constitution.

3.) Strengthen policies to create checks and balances where good judgement has been circumvented in the past (i.e. refusing to investigate legitimate claims, sharing complaints with perpetrators, using taxpayer resources to target others, poor culture, etc.)

 The wrong type of personality in the wrong situation with less than thoughtful decision makers create intentionally challenging environments. This study teaches us that those who have higher orientation toward social dominance also are more willing to dehumanize out-groups. Remember our discussion on a cultic social group managed by dark triad traits. There are no backstops where hate has infected the social fabric.  Social Dominance and Dehumanization

 A few things to consider,

 We can learn how the process works and why supporting our institutions to work on behalf of everyone is important. Thus, the type of people we hire and the type of people we put in those institutions should not be based on poor politics. Let us be thoughtful when we vote and make choices over different candidates. Without that thoughtfulness we run into situations like this where people with ideologies are not qualified to make decisions but are in positions where they can do the most harm. You can reconcile with the world being an unfair place. You recognize your responsibility to make it a little better (It may not do much, but you can try and do what is right and moral where others have failed.). You can draw strength that none of the people who judge you through the lens of hate hold a candle to the good you have done in your life (They just hate because they can't see who they are just under the surfaceHate allows then to avoid looking in the mirror.)

Patriotism is a sacrifice. Just in case they forgot what patriotism is.......

 "For true patriots to be silent, is dangerous" Samuel Adams

 *This is a hypothetical thought experiment example for learning purposes. Take with a grain of salt. It will have a positive outcome, but we have to work through the ugly. We are moving onto a third stage. We will continue to write this story together so we may learn from it and the good that can come from bad.


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