Friday, January 17, 2025

Study Indicates a Mathematical Model for Muscle Growth

If you want to get in shape it is a good idea to read some of the research on fitness. According to this study that maximizing muscle gain occurs between 30-70% of total capacity of which 70% is seen as more ideal. The other aspect is that muscles start changing and molecular binding that builds muscles happens after a muscle has been under a load for some time. 

Two things I would take from this, 

1. No need for maximum weight but repetition makes a differene.

2. Move slower with weight repititions to give time for the muscle to adjust on a molecular level.

Mathematical model predicts best way to build muscle

I do some fitness training as a hobby so if your interested in a little remote help let me know. I have an actual license in it but don't use it very often. Trying to change that.  

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