Recruitment for public services is important and it does have some impact on other institutions as well. Public service
isn't always on the top of the list for many young people. However, public
service is necessary for the safety of citizens and the full functioning of an economy (There are always central underlining safety, trust, etc. aspects that increase or decrease economic activity.). Attracting and drawing the
highest caliber future officers we can makes a difference in not only the
functioning of such institutions but also the ability to attract future top
According to a survey of 1,158 U.S. Agencies by the The International Association of Chief of Police they found ,
-70% of respondents reported recruitment tis more difficult
than 5 years ago. They are at 91% of their staffing needs.
-75% reported making policy and procedure changes to improve
the pool.
There is going to be some negative impact on crime if we don't
get more people to join and of course the type of people we want to join is an
important point of discussion. Sometimes widening the pool of candidates
doesn't mean lowering standards but perhaps recruiting from new diverse pools,
reviewing the profile of who we want to recruit, and ensuring the best officers
rise to the top (..and the worst ones cycled out because all systems should have a little flow to keep upward movement.)
In the Characteristics of the Ideal Police Officer, you find important factors such as 1. Initiative, 2.) Sense of Ethics, 3.) Respect and Knowledge of
Laws, 4.) Communication Skills, 5.) Common Sense, 6.) Civility, 7.) Service
Mentality, 8.) Humility, 9.) Controlled Temper, 10.) Thirst for Knowledge
(Capps, 2014)
As always, I'm 100% for Police and 110% for Civil Rights.
Good officers protecting our community and doing things the right way should
have 100% of our support. If you want a career path you might consider joining
your local department and being one of those good officers. If you have issues
and other problems, consider a different line of work because we need our best
out there keeping us safe. Thanks for what you do.
Capps, L. (2014). Characteristics of the Ideal Police Officer.
IACP (2024) The State of Recruitment & Retention: A Continuing Crisis for Policing.