Thursday, January 2, 2025

Escanaba City Council Meeting (December 19, 2024) What Makes A City Attractive to Investors? (Civics and Governance)

Keeping up on the local news is important for understanding the growth and development of the city.  You can tell from the discussion that there are good things happening and they are taking great care to build the fundamentals of growth. Below you will find an article on what investors want from a city and you might find some parallels with what is going on here. They have attracted multiple larger investments in the past couple of years so there is clear upward momentum.

December 19th, 2024 City Council Meeting Agenda

A couple of Agenda items of interest.

-Electric update

-Water updating

-Light manufacturing investment (unanimous in vote). Possible development 6th and 9th avenue. What kind of jobs? 100+. 

MacDonald, R. (July 19th, 2017). What makes a city attractive to investors? Center for Cities.

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