Thursday, January 2, 2025

What is Self-Actualization and How Does it Help You as a Person? (Personality and Self-Development)

Self-actualization occurs when you move into the final stages of human development. As far as theory is concerned it is unknown if there are higher stages beyond that, but I suspect that would be based on species evolution and capacity. Let us discuss what it means to be self-actualized and how one gets there. It is something that can happen naturally for some but for others it is often a goal even if they are not fully aware. We are designed to strive to something greater and that is part of our development. 

Higher States of Development

First, self-actualization is the highest known stages of development based on understanding yourself fully and your environment more deeply. You become yourself and while outside perspectives are a source of knowledge you have moved beyond the purely socially constructed sense provided society. That is important for minorities and non-minorities who struggle with their full potential because less enlightened souls gave them misleading feedback. 

Developing human capital means freeing people to be the best version of selves they can. Philosophers become philosophers, engineers become engineers, artists become artists, etc. because those are their God given talents and interests. Society reaps the rewards when people contribute based on their ability the best they can. 

The Struggles to Get There

Second, it is not possible to grow and develop unless one has faced struggles of some type that forced them to adapt. People just don't change as much as they should. Some of that is from lack of exposure, knowledge, educational, social exposure, etc. However, sometimes people change because they are faced with struggles and in order to survive, they must adapt upward. Solving problems until the day we die is the name of the game and you will get better at it if you put the effort in.

According to research, there are actual defined stages of growth and each one forces the person to adapt or go back down. Only the strongest can adapt to the top and they are a small few. Gifted people and geniuses are known to adapt better because of the hardwiring of their brains. While many people think they are self-actualized and have wisdom that is hardly the case when the ego is part of that discussion. One must smash the false ego for a more realistic one and only then after experience and insight can they say they have made it...and then they understand the greater responsibilities to society.

You can read the following to gain more insight....

Self-Actualizing People in the 21st Century: Integration With Contemporary  Theory and Research  on Personality and  Well-Being.

Interestingly, A philosophical sense of humor was presented as correlated with self-actualization.

Kaufman, S. (2018) Self-Actualizing People in the 21st Century: Integration With Contemporary  Theory and Research  on Personality and  Well-Being. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1-33.

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