Saturday, February 1, 2025

Study Finds Coffee Drinkers Have Lower Body Fat and lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes

It is early in the morning, and one might wonder what they are doing up before the sun peaks its head. With coffee in one hand a tote bag in another millions of Americans head to the gym before work. 

Should you feel guilty about drinking coffee if you want to get in shape? Not necessarily.

A study found that drinking coffee may not be all that bad for people working out (Larsson, Woolf, & Gill, 2023). We might find lots of caffeine in supplements if you use such things (which I don't suggest).

 Two Study Findings of Coffee Drinking:  

-Lower risk of diabetes

-Lower body mass index

My suggestion is to drink lots of water to hydrate and if you want to cut down on sugars and calories drink your coffee black. 

If you are interested in a virtual fitness plan and some fitness help by a certified trainer send me a message to the right. One-on-one virtual. 

Susanna C Larsson, Benjamin Woolf, Dipender Gill - Appraisal of the causal effect of plasma caffeine on adiposity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease: two sample mendelian randomisation study: BMJ Medicine 2023;2:e000335.

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