Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Peter Lynch Investing in "Understandable" Stocks (Stock Strategy and Investing)

Stock investing is a pursuit that hopes to increase wealth through investing assets in companies and businesses that we believe will grow. Thus, each investor seeks to create value by understanding stocks and coming up with a strategy. Rubbing a rabbit’s foot might work well for some but when you are dealing with a lot of money, or company assets, you think of a system or strategy.

Thus, my pursuit is to find a strategy and see if it works. So far it has been working and reached a 90% growth rate but then receded to about 76%. I'm not a big investor, a very small one, but the little egg is growing. It’s the inner workings of the process I'm more worried about.  The portfolio appears to become more stable.

(As a disclaimer I’m not a financial analyst and not your stockbroker so you should contact them. This is just a discussion.)

What I like about this article is that it discusses the ways companies can increase earnings which includes reducing costs, raising prices, expanding into new markets, selling more in current markets, revitalize or close operations. 

If a company has a plan they will be willfully moving into one of those directions. Hopefully not closing but certainly a merger is one option. Thus, looking at the financials and their ability to capitalize on their current position, based in market trends, and with their own resources is a good place to start.

The following Peter Lynch "Understandable" Stocks have a few key points.

-Look for smaller, moderately growing, reasonably priced stocks.

-Pick stocks one by one in a bottom-up approach. 

-Familiarize yourself with the company

-Categorize companies to you understand them.

Peter Lynch Investing in "Understandable" Stocks

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