Wednesday, January 22, 2025

CEOs Becoming Optimistic- New Technologies and New Industries

It looks like CEOs are a little optimistic about the future. AI and regenerative type tech seem to be part of the Golden Era movement. Infrastructure has improved significantly over the past few years and it would seem as though with building of the data software/platform over the past few years and new technology in terms of AI on top of that infrastructure should see whole new industries and technology generations. 

(As a side note these are the type of surveys I would like to do if I had time. I was sort of playing with how new industries are created through my cluster research. DC Cluster New Innovative Industry)

Fortune/Deloitte CEO Survey: Fall 2024

-CEO Confidence of global economy went up to 42%,

-Optimism for their organization 82%,

-Optimism toward their industry 61%

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