Thursday, January 9, 2025

Ships in the Bay Sticker: Something About a Hobby (Art and Culture)

If you enjoy a good adventure, you may appreciate this sticker of Ships in the Bay. I'm not a professional artist of any type but just dabble as a hobby. There are other hobbies I like. It seems to me that hobbies help round out a person's life and can teach someone about skills; or lack thereof (No comment 😨 ). Life would be pretty boring without hobbies. :( 

This sticker looks pretty good on this water bottle for the gym or hiking. A full-size picture might look nice in an office of some type or a den. You can take a look at Ships in the Bay picture in The Walking Path Gallery

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Conceptualizing Environments that Attract Investments (Economic Cluster Theory Development)

Building an investment rich environment encourages the growth of local business as well as entices future businesses to settle into the area. Each city offers something unique to the market and understanding what benefits or detractors a city offers helps in formalizing a fuller conception of the economic drivers of an area. Gaining knowledge about what type of factors lead to growth and having a full conception of a clusters factors helps in strategic decision making that has the highest results.

Cluster Attributes that Impact Potential Growth:

Clusters that are ready to grow and develop have certain characteristics that make them appealing to businesses and investors. While many times we may think of these as purely business and economic viewpoints there are other soft factors that come into play when understand the whole value mix of a cluster. It is helpful to view such clusters as a total entity with positives and negatives. By doing so it becomes increasingly possible to compare and contrast against other locations.

Understanding, envisioning, and relate to the attributes leads to the ability to formulate an understanding of the total cluster and in turn relate that to interlopers. Questions might arise such as, what are the benefits or detractors of a location; Are there unique attributes to some locations over others that would appeal to certain industries; What type of financials might industry investors like to see; are the measurables relevant to entrepreneurs?

Investors may readily understand taxes, regulations, and infrastructure but have more difficulty measuring less quantifiable factors that still impact their success. Turning elusive to define attributes into specific benefits can enhance value and interest.  As a package there will be certain measurables and statistics that will appeal to a broad investment market and some that will appeal to specific industries. As an example, we might say a business that wants to manufacture a new product would need to look at a variety of input factors that range from physical infrastructure to the availability of skills.  

We can think about where to assess the value of a cluster by understanding how a cluster is view by those selecting locations to set up shop. There are several factors that make an area ripe for investment that include market and customer needs, government and regulatory support, access to infrastructure/services, land availability and zoning, and participatory engagement (Kadlec, & Josip & Bedeković, M., 2018). Evaluating those factors together creates a cluster portfolio that helps potential parties decide if the location is right for their business (One could create the portfolio and the brochure to send to industries that would improve the areaWithin the portfolio should be specific numbers, locations, etc. needed by investorsThe goal is to make it easy for them to make decisions.)

Exploring the factors of enabling environments for business investment projects in rural communities: stakeholders’ perspectives

Continuing the example of Escanaba Michigan as a basis for a model of an area ripe for investment we might consider the upgrades in infrastructure and high levels of skills in the area but certainly shouldn't ignore the lifestyle nor abundant recreational activities or facilities like the Marina. One should see a cluster as a full system with all the positives and negatives one can offer. If you can quantify it or formalize it into an added value it has market value. If they can make money, live there, and retain their human capital then all is good in the world.

Entrepneurial Zones and Collaboration:

Attracting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) can be encouraged by entrepreneurial zones as well as the influences of local and regional stakeholders (Kadlec & Bedekovic, 2018). Improving investment and business growth means there should be a proper environment receptive of that growth and coordination between different stakeholders will help to increase the potential to attract such investments. Stakeholder policies, regulations, objectives, resources, etc. should f alignment around enhancing the cluster and its overall functioning.

Attracting investment in entrepreneurial zones of small cities by creating preconditions for the development of small and medium sized enterprises

A small rural city like Escanaba might seek out resources that attract entrepreneurs, investors, and if desired international investment. That will depend in part on the type of cluster being created and the specific needs of that local system. The would consider how the 5 factors that impact growth as well as its entrepreneurial environment (as a package). The process becomes much easier if local, stage, and federal interests align to spawn a new industry or strengthen a current industry. Rapid innovation does sometimes bring forth radical new products and technologies that branch development into down new developmental paths (It may be possible to predict new industries based on the problems the market is facing, unique aspects of the cluster, and the current lines of scientific development. )A small rural city like Escanaba might seek out resources that attract entrepreneurs, investors, and if desired international investment. That will depend in part on the type of cluster being created and the specific needs of that local system. They would consider how the 5 factors that impact growth as well as its entrepreneurial environment (as a package). The process becomes much easier if local, stage, and federal interests align to spawn a new industry or strengthen a current industry. Rapid innovation does sometimes bring forth radical new products and technologies that branch development into down new developmental paths (It may be possible to predict new industries based on the problems the market is facing, unique aspects of the cluster, and the current lines of scientific development.)

Key Points:

-Industries look at multiple factors market and customer needs, government and regulatory support, access to infrastructure/services, land availability and zoning, and participatory engagement.

-Clusters/cities can be looked like a whole system with positive and negative attributes that can be compared on the market.

-The design of the cluster will determine what type of industries are most likely to be attracted and flourish.

-Towns can market to industries they believe are best able to grow and develop the whole cluster.

Kadlec, Ž. & Josip, H. & Bedeković, M. (2018). Attracting investment in entrepreneurial zones of small cities by creating preconditions for the development of small and medium sized enterprises. Interdisciplinary Management Research.

Shongwe, M.; Lukhele, T. & Zulu, H. (2024) Exploring the factors of enabling environments for business investment projects in rural communities: stakeholders’ perspectives. Frontier.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

San Diego Impact Luncheon March 21st, 2025 Breast Cancer (Events and Social)

Attended a lecture on Breast Cancer. Interesting statistics on how many people get breast cancer and how it takes 1 out of 6 of those diagnosed. Men make up about 10% of all cases. If you’re into supporting such charities, you might want to attend. 

Giving back when you can and supporting good causes helps you think about the greater responsibilities of life and the things that we should be thankful for. Develops your character and leadership abilities.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Research Says Art Can Help with Creativity-Ocean Beach Photography (Art and Culture)

Engaging in art helps to create a creative mind that can solve problems in unique ways. Business problems and life problems do often come with the novel and unknown. Looking at the same issues from a similar personal angle makes it difficult to come up with new solutions or lines of development. Engaging in hobby art and appreciating art could have some benefits in highly creative fields.

According to three studies in The inspirational power of arts on creativity there are benefits to

Study 1: Appreciating art can bring inspiration,
Study 2: Art appreciation can improve creativity.
Study 3: Art appreciation can impact the business environment in such things as product design, branding, and problem solving

I'm a little of an amateur artist and do occasional sell a few pieces. If you’re interested in this one about Ocean Beach you purchase and browse in my Art Gallery and specifically Ocean Beach Photo

Ocean Beach, CA

There are a couple of different products that can be made with this picture. The spiraled notebook looks pretty good. The notebook might be of somthing of interest. It came out at a reasonable price under $15. I try and give about half of what I do to charity and the other half for supplies and stuff.

An, D. & Youn, N. (2018). The inspirational power of arts on creativity. Journal of Business Research, 85.   (

Human Adaptation and Horse Riding (History and Society)

The human body is an amazing thing that can adapt over time to the tools it has created. Horse riding is believed to have pushed the human skeletal system to adapt. That is particularly more possible with hip, femur, and lower back that would need to adjust to ride a horse well.

The study Tracing horsebackriding and transport in the human skeleton discusses the methodology leading to a causal relationship. Some researchers will argue that if we study body change in tribes/villages we can make that connection while other say not so much.

While the study indicates there are many complicated factors that don’t necessarily definitively answer that question, they do not rule it out either. Science is an additive process that leads to discoveries.

That brings us back to the idea of human adaptation. There is a complex interplay between environment and human development. Repetition and multigenerational usage are likely to have an impact at some point.

Most change are going to be done within one’s life but won’t necessarily change the structure of the body much. For example, if one were to horse ride or engage in any sport, they are going to get more flexible, stronger, etc. in high use areas of the body but that doesn’t necessarily carry on from generation to generation.

If the activity is necessary for survival, i.e. throwing a spear, we will eventually see changes as widespread usage of the fundamental activity is going to select out those who can throw a spear better than those who don’t. If you can hunt well and eat well you will be stronger, have more children, and pass on those genetics.

Did body mechanics change with horses? No one has answered it fully yet.

Lauren Hosek et al. ,(2024)Tracing horseback riding and transport in the human skeleton. Sci. Adv.10,eado9774.DOI:10.1126/sciadv.ado9774

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Does Extra Weightlifting Sets Reduce Muscle Growth? (Health and Fitness)

Getting in shape, reducing waistline and putting on some muscle is a noble goal for 2025. A little advice can improve your prospects. 

Here are a few tips that can help,

1. Work out until it's difficult to lift but not impossible where injuries occur.

2. Lighter weights (10 reps) at a slower pace are just as good as higher weights with lower reps (1-3 reps).

3. Don't overwork out because that can lead to reduced muscle growth.

4. Ensure rest is plentiful. Either workout full body a few times a week or work out different body parts each day with 3-day cycles.

5. The biggest factor in working out is to make it to the gym. Consistency is key. Set a time.

6. The number one factor is to eat high protein (meat, fish, beans, nuts), high fiber (vegetables, fruit), and lower simple carbs (ultra processed foods i.e. chips).

The research below is a meta-analysis of many studies and they found that excessive working out can reduce muscle growth. It appears excessive exercise and weightlifting can reduce muscle growth.

A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Resistance Training on Whole-Body Muscle Growth in Healthy Adult Males

I have a fitness trainer license and if your interested in a little help send me a message to the right. I can also help with self-defence and yoga training/rehabilitation. I'm mostly in San Diego and Escanaba/Gladstone area. 

Benito PJ, Cupeiro R, Ramos-Campo DJ, Alcaraz PE, Rubio-Arias JÁ. A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Resistance Training on Whole-Body Muscle Growth in Healthy Adult Males. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Feb 17;17(4):1285. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17041285. PMID: 32079265; PMCID: PMC7068252.

How to Increase the Network Density of an Economic Cluster? (Economic Cluster Theory Development)

Economic clusters are made of many millions of activities and transactions. Through that process they also create networks that ensure that resources, ideas, opportunities, social and lifestyle fulfill the needs of local and investor stakeholders. Through understanding methods of increasing network density, we can often speed the velocity of such cluster systems to innovate faster than would happen organically. 

Networks can have an important influence on growth because of these transactions. They are often mapped through anchor businesses and then through nodes. The density of a network determines its outcomes and efficiency. There are big networks that have their own internal structures and are complex systems (Bedru, et. al, 2020). The internal structure creates a type of order within the structure that allows it to adapt, function and find efficiencies. 

Sometimes these efficiencies are created organically by those who seek to create profit.  While slower they don't require an influx of capital. Other times it is possible to infuse network creation through the investment in infrastructure, social networks, and downtown development. Local clusters can include organic and focused elements or something in between.

Here are a few areas that might be worth investment to improve overall interaction and activity generation. It is possible to map these out if necessary.

-Infrastructure: Ports, Internet, Rail, Roads, etc. This can improve the speed of resources and information.

-Social and QOL: Events, recreation, activities, taverns, coffee shops, etc. It can encourage attraction of talent, retention of talent, higher quality of life, encourage creativity, and improve natural spread of ideas.

-Business/Industry Knowledge: Business networking/Chambers, creative spaces, entrepreneurship, skilled trades, higher education, etc. It can provide focused effort to speed activities within the business and investment world. Being thoughtful of who is involved can make a difference (i.e. bankers, investors, current business, and entrepreneurs).

So far, I have been using the example model of Escanaba which has been growing and is ripe for additional sustainable investment. Specifically in the 100-300 employee anchor businesses and downtown entrepreneurial development. Metal manufacturing and ship building are also possible. 

Key Points:

-Clusters can be organic, focused, or in-between.

-Clusters are networks that move information, resources, and ideas.

-Big networks can adapt, function and find efficiencies

-Networks are made of many millions of small transactions.

-Networks can be mapped.

-Transaction velocity can be increased by investing in Infrastructure, Social/QOL, and Business/Industry Knowledge.

Bedro, H. et. al. (2020. Big Networks: A Survey. Computer Science Review, 37


Human Rights and Corruption Approach Doesn't Work Well (Hypothetical Discussion on Hate and Corruption)

We have been exploring a hypothetical philosophical discussion on hate and corruption and the allowance of such poor behaviors to protect co...