Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Setting Actionable Goals for 2025

Goals are an essential tool to successful achievement. Numerous studies have shown that those who set clear and actionable goals are more successful than those who do not. Set your 2025 and adjust your behavior accordingly. 

A few goal setting tips I have learned over the years.

-Know what you want and the steps to get there.

-Ensure goals leave you in a better place next year.

- Think about deeply about goals so they are important and motivating.

-Select goals that improve the quality of your life or financial position.

-Adjust amebic goals and make them concise and defined.

-Set goals you have the resources to devote.

-List the criteria when they are considered complete.

You may want to read....

The Power of Goal Setting: An Academic Insight into Success

Cooreen, D. (Aug. 26, 2024). The Power of Goal Setting: An Academic Insight into Success. Davron. https://www.davron.net/the-power-of-goal-setting-an-academic-insight-into-success/

Clusters and Innovation Districts Brookings Institute Analysis (Economic Cluster Development)

Continuing to investigate the concept of cluster development for a model I'm creating and a book I'm writing. This publication by the Brookings Institute has a lot of information within it and it furthers understanding of some of the key pieces that help create a cluster. Of particular interest is the cluster map that helps show the influence of anchor businesses (pg. 23). The criteria in which they mapped are most of the main ones but there could be others as well.

I have used a cluster map like this about 14 years ago in order to understand how gaps in service would be a good place would be to encourage entrepreneurship. For example, let us say that you have a paper industry, and you have a gap in some services so need to hire outside. If the need is sufficient and long enough it does create an opportunity to attract new entrepreneurs. 

The advantage of attracting such clusterable businesses to places like Escanaba and Delta County is that they can create homespun opportunities to find symmetry with anchor businesses that leads to jobs (This is my example town. How you attract business is based on grants, needs, business collaboration, marketing, etc.). If you can find businesses that can feed multiple anchor businesses at once you improve upon the cluster supply network.

Clusters and Innovation Districts: Lessons from the United States Experience.

Bailey, M. & Montabano, N. (2018) Clusters and Innovation Districts: Lessons from the United States Experience. The Brookings Institute. https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/es_20180508_bailyclustersandinnovation.pdf 

Manufacturing USA: A Third-Party Evaluation of Program Design and Process. (2017) Deloitte Consulting, LLP and Deloitte Services, LP. 

Is College Worth It? Industry Skills/Human Capital and Cost (Higher Education)

There has been debate on whether college has value and produces a high return for individuals and society. To help me understand this idea better I pulled an opinion piece and a large scale survey of college outcomes. So far it seems like college has a positive return for people, income and workforce/industry. However, perception is changing.

There are other college considerations such as self improvement, national innovation, drawing talent and much more that would not be easy to cover in any one article. The true costs and benefits take deep study to fathom fully. 

Three things I think higher education can focus on...

1. Industry alignment ensures we are teaching the skills needed by employers. I kind of came up with a competency model that allows one to adjust the curriculum as the skills change to meet market needs. Individual and program assessments. Updated and updatable skills. Others helped with pieces and aspects.

2. Developing the whole person is possible through implementing self-awareness activities, self-assessments that produce awareness throughout one's life and have value many decades after college. A self-aware American with the globally competitive skills is a force to be reckoned with!

3. Reducing costs, partnering with employers, and increasing access can lead to larger scale human capital development and quality of life enhancements. There are economic benefits in that! The debate will continue on. 


Is College Worth It? Pew Review (Fry, Braga & Parker, 2024)

Fry, R; Braga, D. & Parker, K. (2024). Is College Worth It? Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2024/05/23/is-college-worth-it-2/

Muller, C. (Dec. 2024)New Research Reveals True Value Of College Education. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrismuller/2024/12/29/new-research-reveals-true-value-of-college-education/

Monday, December 30, 2024

When Intellectuals Have No Valid Points-Rumors, Hate and Injustice (Dehumanizing Thought Experiment)

Thinking through how to create the best systems we can what typically comes to mind is the many different stakeholders of society and understanding what everyone wants and needs. That doesn't mean that we should agree or disagree but simply understand for our own enlightenent. Seek to find the universal principles that should apply to all people. Exploring what  a default in justice looks like is important so we can create mechanisms to avoid such situations in the future.

I have been using a hypothetical thought experiment to explore a logic of hate and its destructive pathology that can lead to default, dehumanization and whatever stages come after (still thinking of what those stages might be). Hopefully, not collective hate. Mental exercises like this have highlighted how these things happen in history when we don't have effective backstops to protect the rest of the system from a default. 

In this learning example, a group of bigots and bullies spread false rumors about an out-group member (typically minorities but could be others or someone they can financial gain off) in hopes of causing serious harm to them socially. This misbehavior attracted the interest of corrupted officials that were associated with the clan (The particular persons were part of a homogeneous hate group from a good old boy network. These groups might not see themselves that way but their behavior is part of the problem) who then misused their authority to threaten the targets and seek to strip them of their rights and dignity. 

The rumors caused employment rejection, harmed children, exploited elderly, vets taken advantage of, and has been a tool used by this group for many years. Make up stories and damage people because the homogeneous clan never truly left high school in their minds. They tell each other how to act and think like a cult and they are not allowed to talk or be friends with the victims because they will risk ostracization themselves. They want the targets gone and will continue to push for it. Laws are easily warped.

Worse is when you know those who were supposed to protect us knew of these crimes and rumors were occurring but gave them a "free pass" (It's not about getting people in trouble.it is about correcting and protecting the integrity of the system. We don't need more victims.). Even when they told the targets why they were going to harm them (i.e. religion, race, etc.) they still felt compelled to wink and nod to embolden the perpetrators. People are aware that some people are immune and have a history of mistreating others. They talk about it and some of the victims have connected. 

No one wanted to investigate or correct the misbehaviors and that caused more harm to those who raised a concern (the dehumanization process through complacency on corruption and hate). Whistleblowers were retaliated against and complaints ignored until something happened that couldn't be ignored. It was in black and white and in their face! The judges had no wiggle room with the law this time (clearnly a clan member did wrong.). They had to hold at least one person to account for other misbehaviors even though similar behaviors by this network were prior reported. From chatter networks there are likely other victims out there.

A complete default in justice. Embedded into the group who feels compelled to talk about others and continue to foster a segregated society. Let us take Peggy for example who is a socialite within the clan. She knows nothing of the victim’s dating life, is not the victim's friend, has little knowledge of the target, but yet feels comfortable to take the initiative to warn people that this person "gets around" (defamation of character) and encourages others to run from the person (ostracization). She may not believe it but she is part of the hate narrative that has conjured stories that are part of the story such as crazy, violent, etc. in a way that has fostered open aggression (In this example the person has friends of the opposite sex but those are only friends, has a history of being a descent person to others, but cannot shake the dangerous rumors because they are easy to create as a tool.). 

All legal and normalized hate narratives with follow up mistreatment and microaggressions to keep the harm ongoing and try and make targets intimidated (The victims take precaution because they have never seen this on this level but they persist in striving for something greater. Something our judges and leaders should do.). Most people rejected the hate narrative and know the targets to be descent people. They like the targets but are afraid of the clan (The risks of rewarding poor behaviors and teaching people about unwritten expectations. i.e. unwritten laws). Good people, good souls, doing the absolute best for their community. That doesn't stop the clan from doing their very best to continue to harm others. You scratch your head at the blatant grotesque nature of events and how it has been promoted through misapplication of laws.

Some people have no right to talk about hate and some officials have lost their moral conscious, so they further have no deep insight into the purpose of our laws or the people they judge (This does not take away from good people doing the right thing no matter their position in society.) This is precisely why we haven't solved this problem. The people with the least amount of knowledge judging others about things they don't know anything about (They were never victims, so they have no clue what it is like to be targeted by a large group of people. They also don't know what it is like to be part of a minority group that others seem to love to hate for ideological purposes. i.e. any out-group treated with disdainThus, there are different lenses at play of which different people are going to see them differently. A rare few may have gained the knowledge through exposure to switch through all of the lenses.). 

Hate is not an insurmountable problem and solving it strengthens our social contracts. This is where you see the deep dark hate that is the reality of modern life. We can speculate all day but its there in our face and you can't get rid of it, you can't run from it and you either cower in a corner or you go after it! Higher moral orders should occur and that comes from learning and discussing (I'm sure the hate group has their versions as well.). That requires mature minds and mature leaders.

The author of the following article makes a good point that discussing issues leads to insight but I believe only if all actors have the same long term goals (maybe its life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness). Intellectuals should work against injustice and intolerance for normal variances of life. They help us preserve our republic for all people. That should be a true discussion that is neither liberal or conservative but one based on seeking truth and the solutions that come from that truth.

Intellectuals should be able to discuss issues without having their freedom of speech violated or the games that harm those seeking to improve society. We are seeing more of this in modern times. You say something someone doesn't like, and that person quickly feels the rath of the lack of critical thinking and commitment to our values. If we lose our freedom of speech and our intellectuals the rest of the system starts to break down. The Role of Social Research in Opposing Injustice (I need not agree or disagree with the article but simply understand it.)

If you’re asking me, I believe we must be the most enlightened people we can be and if extremism and bigotries have made their way through bad actors into the system we should think of redesigning some of its aspects. That is not for or against any political perspective but for a greater cause and the cause of freedom. We have to be able to discuss these issues and find solutions. If we don't, we do run the risk of the worst of us making decisions that do not foster the best of us or the best outcomes.

This quote by John Adams helps us think about our rights as people and how there has been a long line of development to protect those rights. Dropping the torch is not an option (Why I encourage the youth to learn about freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the Constitution, and our history.)No one has the moral authority to upend sacred laws and no one should harm other people for superficial reasons. Further, no one should encourage such poor behaviors, but we can't control everything. Justice and liberty belong to all of us. The intellectuals have a purpose in society.

"Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood." (Notice how a lot of the discussion so far in this thought experiment is anchored back to our founding fathers/mothers and encourages people to solve problems and think of the big picture? There is a greater truth to why this nation was started and aligning around that can help secure a strong future.)

Murakami, S. (2023). The Role of Social Research in Opposing Injustice. Civil Sociology, 4 (1). https://doi.org/10.1525/cs.2023.77386

*This is a hypothetical thought experiment for learning purposes so take with a grain of salt. A hypothetical exploration for philosophical purposes. There is a positive result but we are just exploring the dark side of things at the moment. 

Trends, Hedging, and Company Management in Investing (Stock Investment Strategy Creation)

If you have been following along for a while you know that I'm trying to create a descent stock investing strategy. I'm not a professional investor but just a guy who likes to dabble in the market. Like many of you I also have goals and no one gave me anything in life (the opposite actually). The one thing I like to do is learn and theory play. So I'm trying to do that here.

In the recent past I was posting the specifics of my strategy but think maybe it's best to sort of keep it to myself a little because it seems to be working. That doesn't mean it will work in the future and maybe tomorrow it's all gone but the point is right now its working. Do not take my advice for anything and this is why rich people pay brokers with knowledge. While I know a few rich people and hung out with some I'm thoroughly culturally middle blue collar class but still classy. Yes, I work on my own rustic historical cabin and won't work on my car yet because its relatively new but hoping to find an old pick up to fix up (fishing stuff, firewood and terrible winters give me use of it).  That should sum up my upbringing. Give me Levis and a flannel!

I had an old account and sold the few stocks I had in it about a year ago to start a fresh portfolio to see if I could create gain that can beat out the experts. A clearer starting point. Total return right now is something like 98.57%. Hey it's something I might be good at! From what I can tell that is higher than most of the experts in the field. It's kind of a good sign.

Three things that I think about before buying a stock are trends, hedging, and company soundness.

1. Trends help me think of what type of companies I believe will grow in the future from an industry perspective.

2. Hedging helps think of how the whole portfolio will act under different market conditions and pressures. I have noticed some going up and some going down. They do sometimes flip flop.

3. The way a company is managed is important so I look through the statements and leadership. I typically look for American companies if possible and seems appropriate. My American brothers and sisters need high paying jobs! (Many investors will sell us out for a few pennies on the share.)

Overviewing my portfolio I can say that it is more stable now than it was when it started a year ago with most socks going up and only a few going down versus a number going down and a couple of star performers bouncing off the ceiling. Further, I have sort of diversified industries that include physical assets (i.e. home construction), manufacturing, space flight, energy, batteries, precious metals,  AI and Crypto (more of the AI crypto mining process). There are others but you can sort of get the point.

Further, I also like to read different studies and reports because they provide insight. For example, when do you hedge and when do you not hedge? What strategies seem most effective? so on and so forth. I included an article I thought was informative to understand certain parameters.

The publication discusses hedging strategies like cryptocurrencies, gold or oil. The authors indicate there are minimal short-term advantages to hedging using gold, oil, and crypto (Echhaust, Just & Kliber, 2024). You can read To hedge or not to hedge? Cryptocurrencies, gold and oil against stock market risk.

Echhaust, K., Just, M. & Kliber, A. (2024) To hedge or not to hedge? Cryptocurrencies, gold and oil against stock market risk. International Review of Financial Analysis, 94. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1057521924002242

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Density in Formal and Informal Networks Can Lead to Economic Growth (Economic Cluster Theory Development)

The density and depth of economic and social networks within a cluster often determines a local economy's efficiency, productivity, adaptability and effectiveness. Networks are often seen as formal and informal meetings/connections (connections of people and ideas). The transference of information relies on the interconnectivity of ideas and concepts that move resources to where they create the highest return of value in a way that leads to innovation by maximizing new ideas, products and services.

Connections can happen in the physical world when you attend a company meeting, in social events or in the virtual world on the Internet in like manner. These connections could be formal meetings with an agenda or there may be informal chance meetings in places like coffee shops, music venues, bars, social networks, and others. History has taught us that taverns and tea houses led to movements and napkin written creative breakthroughs and the same concepts apply today.

Research supports the idea that density in networks often leads to innovation and efficiency (Hua, Yang & Shoa, 2024).(You may read Impact of network density on the efficiency of innovation networks: An agent-based simulation study) To innovate you need knowledge integration across a dense network sufficient for the cost and generative capacity of an area. The example I'm using of Delta County MI. is ripe for investment, has raised investment interest and once it attracts another large investor and entrepreneurs you will likely see quick economic regeneration (theoretically anyway.).

As long as ideas are being shared and resources move to capitalize on those ideations at a higher state than the competition, we will experience economic growth. The speed of that growth is determined by the effectiveness of those face-to-face interactions and the resources available through physical and virtual networks to achieve goal directed behaviors that have economic impact. Generally, the more interactive and social a cluster, the more likely they are going to create efficiency and effectiveness in local alignment to market needs.

Innovation does come with the caveat of ensuring people with ideas and ambition are sufficiently represented within those social networks to act on opportunities (i.e. economic actors and agents). Let us say we took a small town that is emerging back onto the economic scene through market alignment. It is growing economically and socially. While many people have lived in the town for generations and have pushed for growth some of that catalyst was in part from new ideas, new actors and new players intermingling with existing movers and shakers (information diffusion). 

Drawing entrepreneurs and investors and encouraging them to interact with locals sets the stage for rapid transformation with idea disbursement. Investment in local digital infrastructure and investment in social outlets has influenced growth. Future challenges include draw new entrepreneurial talent and a couple of mid to large scale investments that encourage the formation of a well-balanced cluster (Economic actors that foster each other development but also resilient against changes in the market.)

We might say that growth is based on the formal and informal networks that move ideas and resources to where they can create the greatest return. The capitalistic way to innovation is for people to seek profit and quality of life improvements (Newer economic research connects the two concepts). The ability for a community cluster to change is based on these networked capabilities. Thus, having a balance of entrepreneurs, investors, executives, etc. can help speed growth and adaptation. 

Key Points:

-Density of networks physical, social, and virtual lead to growth.

-Economic development and quality of life (social and activity) are related.

-Formal and informal connections along through physical and virtual spaces increases ideation. 

-The ability to efficiently and effectively move resources based on new innovative ideas creates investment returns.

-There must be a sufficient number of entrepreneurs, investors, socialites, entrepreneurs, and resources to foster change. 

-Clusters can draw in factors that help create growth and strengthen the local business community.

Hua L, Yang Z, Shao J. Impact of network density on the efficiency of innovation networks: An agent-based simulation study. PLoS One. 2022 Jun 17;17(6):e0270087. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0270087. PMID: 35714137; PMCID: PMC9205519.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Many Types of Injustices and Why We Can't Solve Them? (Dehumanization Thought Experiment)

I wish we lived in a perfect world where people treated each other fairly and with justice. That is wishful thinking and while we may have learned and ingrained those ideals within our lives since youth, they are very often not what happens in real life practical outcomes. There are reasons why such injustices occur and sometimes that comes from the deeper needs and biases some of us hold. Thinking through some of the reasons why injustice is a practical outcome are helpful.

Over the past few years, I have been using the concept of a thought experiment on how in-group members could warp local justice through employment, social connections, corruption and bias to enrich themselves. It makes no different how many people are harmed; evidence is not of a particular interest and there were no corrections for poor behaviors. Intentionally rewarding homogeneous clan members at the expense of others.

We have seen this in history, haven't we? At times injustice and broken promises that have created in and out group members of society. Different value of different people and little sense of a northern star for behaviors and outcomes. We know that even when obvious injustices do occur that there isn't always a willingness to stand for a higher moral order. Law is a tool, but it should have a greater purpose beyond being a blunt instrument. 

Such defaults are sometimes unintentional but can be at times also be intentional. Potential sign of a much bigger problem under the surface (i.e. the need for strong leadership). We pay our hard-earned tax money so that systems can function fairly and honestly and in instances where they don't it is imperative to correct them when we can. When they protect injustice, we should be appalled at displays of lack of respect for a higher moral order. 

Good people and good citizens do encourage the highest functioning systems they can. Moral conscious is a guide to insight and knowledge; some have it and some don't.

Here are a few reasons we might ponder as to their truthfulness or falsehood. Different people are likely to see things differently. 

1.) Injustice may be as common as justice and much of that will depend on who is rewarded and who is punished (1st and 2nd class citizens with different rules and laws for each.). Most of the time it doesn’t turn out this way but where there is corruption and degrees of difference then it persists. Few to no checks or balances in the system to correct.

2.) We have become desensitized to the concept of injustice and lots of people claim to be mistreated. Sometimes it’s true and sometimes it’s not. Lots of people complaining and people have naturally plugged their ears. True injustice doesn't have an impact or moral outrage. Few feel compelled to correct to protect the entire system.

3.) Politics can have a warping influence on the outcomes of some of our institutions. The danger of hyper politics is winner takes all but overall integrity declines. Our institutions are important and supporting them means we support their focus on our social contracts and the efficient and effective use of their resources. This may be why we may need a third party to round out the bi-polar perspectives to ensure there is more than two opposite lines of logic where injustice loves to foster like a disease.

4.) Fostering a sense of purpose. As a nation we should focus on our human freedom and dignity in alignment with the Constitution, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Yet, other issues of the day keep our eye off of the ball. We get consumed by the politics of now but forget the parameters of those activities. The more we focus on what is good for all the more we reap the rewards of collective effort (It’s likely the next battle in national development. We had slavery, then we had official segregation, some have argued we are in unofficial segregation, and what is next in development is likely based on the next generations needs. Universal fair treatment for a universal democracy is one potential issue that may arise. There are others but I think that might be a reasonable one.)

5.) Limited feedback loops or checks n balances. If there are people in positions of authority that have extreme bias, and they make decisions based in biased thinking they have created injustice. Because of the way they view the world they may have created many injustices over the years. There are few to no recourse in the system to deal with those things. It is easy to force victims to accept crimes or mistreatment if they have no voice (dehumanization by practical outcomes).

6.) Not taking legitimate complaints seriously. In the hypothetical thought experiment whistleblowers came forward, were correct, and still those who caused the problem were rewarded financial and socially through the clan and those who made decisions over the clan. This is fairly clear that the inputs and the outputs are not in full alignment. Something is being warped in the middle and the logic changes.

7. Technicalities of the law became more important than the purpose of the law. The law sometimes has become a game and if people lie, cheat, manipulate, steal, and much more we know it is wrong, but the law doesn't always have a way to deal with it unless it is made easy to understand and follow up (legal laziness). 

8.) Black and white thinking that limits our options. For example, if I say I have a great amount of respect for public officials who serve their communities with integrity (they are diamonds in our society). If I further say that with that respect also comes responsibility to correct injustice and corruption when found, then others will be upset. One may be the most logical person in the room by saying encourage what is good and discourage what is bad but that doesn’t make its way into people’s pathological thinking.

8. Divided people view the purpose of such institutions differently and there seems to be a lack of desire to ensure integrity that all of societal stakeholders can agree upon. We should view these systems as neutral but sometimes bad actors warp the outcomes. In this example case it is clan members helping other clan members that created great intentional injutices on the victims (i.e. teaching them a lesson to know their low place in society).

9. We and many of our leaders have become complacent in justice. It's just another court case, just another number, and just a process. The community closeness and empathy are gone. The intent has been removed from the process. What we see now is lots of finger pointing and the rhetoric of politics that sort of warps the discussion. The truer more deeper discussions are ignored for cheap political wins while everyone else seems to lose.

There are others but these are the ones I can think of at the moment. They may not even be true and I have made no final conclusions. Only that they may have some potential impact. I'm exploring a thought experiment on how one can easily manipulate a justice system through social connections and lies to ensure they are rewarded financially for poor behaviors. In and out-group members are clearly treated differently, and it makes little to no difference how many crimes, complaints, or concerns are brought forward. The victims are forced to hold the ill behaviors of the perpetrators (easy to scapegoat if always at fault for others behaviors.).

One might think that I'm a liberal and that is not true. While I may be liberal in some aspects I'm very conservative by nature but not in the way in which conservatism is defined today. I believe that our nation's purpose is human freedom and the opportunity to develop oneself fully (human capital has economic outcomes). Likewise, I believe freedom of religion and freedom of speech, the Constitution, and the general practices of democracy help make us a better people and should be protected. Within that I also believe in no superior race or religion and that wisdom, knowledge, talent, performance, etc. is something developed within the the person through a pro-development environment (God doesn't make superior or inferior people but people and application of laws sometimes do.). Each person is due a level of respect and that should not be stripped away for trivial desires or ideologies. That is how I define my personal conservatism anyway...whether it has value or not is up to others. Feel free to judge how you see fit.

*This is a hypothetical thought experiment that explores the philosophical aspects phases of hate and dehumanization for learning purposes. We explore concepts such as the Constitution, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and others. There is a positive outcome but take with a grain of salt. We can learn together.

Louisville Bridge Over Water-Does it go Nowhere? (Art and History)

As I move pictures from one gallery to the next, I'm listing them for people to see. I'm using Red Bubble to host some of my picture...